About Us
The Mid San Joaquin River Regional Flood Management Plan (MSJR RFMP) was first developed in 2013-2014, and was updated in 2017, through the participation of a range of stakeholders primarily from Stanislaus County. This regional planning effort was created to give stakeholders the opportunity to develop a plan to reduce flood risks in the area from the confluence of the Merced and the San Joaquin Rivers to the confluence of the Stanislaus and the San Joaquin Rivers. The result of these efforts is a vision for a safer and more flood-resilient region that identifies challenges and opportunities for flood management and a prioritized list of actions for DWR to consider in their Central Valley Flood Protection Plan (CVFPP). The MSJR RFMP also identifies priority flood protection projects to be carried out by local sponsors. Millions of dollars have been raised by local sponsors from a variety of state, federal and other sources to make these projects a reality.
The second Update of the MSJR RFMP is now underway and will continue until June 2023. Through this locally-driven process, stakeholders have an opportunity to identify new flood management opportunities in the region, ranging from measures appropriate on agricultural lands to actions designed for more developed areas. Participants will include local, state and federal government agencies, flood control agencies, irrigation districts, reclamation districts, levee maintenance districts, agricultural interests, landowners, community groups, as well as recreation and environmental interests.
Planning Leads
The Mid San Joaquin regional flood planning effort is being managed by Reclamation District 2092 (RD 2092) and Stanislaus County.
In 2012, River Partners purchased the Dos Rios Ranch at the confluence of the Tuolumne and San Joaquin Rivers for the purposes of habitat management and restoration, improved flood management, and development of public river access points consistent with the Lower Tuolumne Parkway and other state and regional plans. Dos Rios Ranch and parcels owned by three other landowners comprise RD 2092 – a district founded in 1959 and charged with managing and maintaining four miles of levees that protect 1,000 acres from flooding. As a levee maintaining agency, RD 2092 shares similar challenges with other Reclamation Districts in Stanislaus County including managing erosion, encroachments, rodent impacts, funding for maintenance and repairs, and inspection/reporting requirements.
Beginning with a Memorandum of Understanding between the county and RD 2092 in 2013, Stanislaus County has co-managed the MSJR RFMP process since its inception. Stanislaus County’s participation in the MSJR RFMP is led by the county’s Public Works Department.
The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) is funding the development of the MSJR RFMP, along with five other RFMPs around the Central Valley. Environmental Science Associates (ESA) is providing consulting support to RD 2092 and Stanislaus County in the preparation of the MSJR RFMP.
Regional Partners
Numerous stakeholder groups and organizations have participated in workshops and meetings convened by the MSJR RFMP, including (but not limited to):
- City of Modesto
- City of Patterson
- City of Newman
- City of Ceres
- Turlock Irrigation District
- Modesto Irrigation District
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
- Self Help Enterprises
- Reclamation District 2091
- Reclamation District 1602
- Tule River Tribe of California
- California Office of Emergency Services